Friday, June 12, 2009

Big Government

At last, the true colors of socialism are shining through the Government's agenda. First taxes are raised on those who WORK to get what they've earned, no matter how much money they have, or make. So, here's my first clue...If you want money, work for it, but if you make over a million a year, look for half of that to go into taxes ( and for those who want to disagree, that is a true fact it is happening to my cousin, and my brother, and they worked hard to build their business).

Now, GM has been taken over by Big Government in a deal that is "supposed to save GM, and jobs, and auto parts blah blah blah..." Why not let GM fail? Enron fell, the local pie factory where I live went under (gosh they had delicious pies) but you didn't see Government trying to save that one. So, here's my second clue...look for government to be all up in your banking bidznuss, because I am sure that when the banks fail to repay all that money, they will be scooped up too. Then big brother can look directly into your account to see what you have in there, and then tell you what you should be sharing with your fellow man (i.e. those who refuse to work anywhere).

Next I suppose there will be legislation that we all must open our homes and take in the homeless, or anyone who wants to reside with you (Jen, I'm coming to Charleston! I have dibs!WooHoo) I'm just guessing, but socialism is all about sharing, and the whole "Robin Hood complex thing". Which brings me to my third clue for you. Go ahead and cancel that alarm code/system, you won't be needing that anymore.

The Divine Miss N says: Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. However, I'm not so sure you're gonna like it.

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